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Can you describe transformation?

There is a slight shift inside when, during moments of suffering, you realize you are seeing the suffering without being part of it. These are important moments because normally all our attention is going toward our identity and what we are suffering. Such…

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Is resistance an aspect of negativity?

Resistance is a recoil of the four centers in response to pressure. It becomes psychologically negative only when ‘I’ gets attached to it. For example, the instinctive center feels pain, awareness identifies with it as ‘I’ feel pain, followed by a feeling…

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Is the ego more pronounced when we are upset?

It is more pronounced the more identified we are. For instance, when we feel proud. But it also gains intensity through negativity because our instinctive energy is then behind it full throttle. When you see yourself or someone else expressing…

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Is the goal to let everything go?

Yes, although the idea of letting go needs to be understood in the right way. It is not about relinquishing possessions, achievements, relationships, or reputation. It is not even about relinquishing thoughts and negative emotions. It is about awareness letting…

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Where does the ego come from?

We are not born with an ego. It is not a natural part of who and what we are when we are born. It accumulates during our life as a byproduct of awareness repeatedly identifying with our thoughts, emotions, and…

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Why does the ego exist?

Why does the ego exist in the first place? It exists because awareness is not aware of itself. When awareness is unconscious it gets appropriated by the mind and body as a sense of identity that forms as the ego.…

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