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The Pain of Giving Up The Ego

It feels painful somehow to just give up problems and watch the ego dissolve. The pain of the ego dissipating is not a real pain. It is an imaginary pain of an imaginary identity. The Pure Being watching the dissipation…

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How thoughts drive the ego

Can you talk about the mind’s over-indulgence in thoughts and how this drives the ego? The ego is a result of awareness losing consciousness of itself and burying its head in the sand of thoughts, emotions, sensations, and movement. This…

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Is the ego more pronounced when we are upset?

It is more pronounced the more identified we are. For instance, when we feel proud. But it also gains intensity through negativity because our instinctive energy is then behind it full throttle. When you see yourself or someone else expressing…

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Where does the ego come from?

We are not born with an ego. It is not a natural part of who and what we are when we are born. It accumulates during our life as a byproduct of awareness repeatedly identifying with our thoughts, emotions, and…

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Why does the ego exist?

Why does the ego exist in the first place? It exists because awareness is not aware of itself. When awareness is unconscious it gets appropriated by the mind and body as a sense of identity that forms as the ego.…

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