Is resistance an aspect of negativity?
Resistance is a recoil of the four centers in response to pressure. It becomes psychologically negative only when ‘I’ gets attached to it. For example, the instinctive center feels pain, awareness identifies with it as ‘I’ feel pain, followed by a feeling in the emotional center of ‘I’ am afraid of pain or ‘I’ am angry that it hurts or why is this happening to ‘me’. Transformation comes when Pure Being detaches and withdraws from the sense of ‘I’. This enables the energy behind the negative emotion to funnel back to Pure Being where it gets absorbed as Pure Being.
When Pure Being transforms a negative emotion such as irritation, what funnels back is not the irritation but the energy which had gathered around the sense of ‘I’ as irritation. When the nucleus of ‘I’ is seen as an illusion, the nucleus dissolves, the form of the emotion clinging to it disintegrates, the negative energy behind it gets released, and as it starts to rise and return to Pure Being its ‘charge’ transforms from negative to positive, bringing with it a relief and lightness of being.
from This Mystery and I | © copyright Peter Ingle | All Rights Reserved